Personal Training

Personal Training based on YOU

Personal training at CORE is different from other places, we care about the individual as a whole. When training at CORE you will get unconditional support and guidance based on your individual needs.

A Trainer to Meet Every Need

We have a trainer for everyone, with varied backgrounds and at various stages of their lives. Our trainers strive to offer creative and effective workouts based on the individual's needs or situation:

Youth Athlete
Special Needs
Underlying Medical Conditions
Weight Loss Focus
Cb's Average Aging Athlete

The Process

1. Consultation

You will begin with a FREE consultation where you will determine your specific goals and meet with your trainer.

2. Baseline Assessment

When you start with your trainer you will do a baseline assessment to determine a timeline and approach for your specific goals. The baseline assessment gives your trainer a starting place for your fitness level and good data to determine progress. This will be repeated every 6-8 weeks.

3. Routine Modification

As you progress, your goals and needs will change; your trainer will modify as needed and continue on your path to improved health and fitness within your schedule and lifestyle.

Contact Us Today

Schedule your free consultation today! A better you is only one email away.


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    Working hours

    Monday – Friday:
    07:00am – 8:00pm

    07:00am – 5:00pm

    Sunday Closed

    Our socials